


作为一个域名注册管理机构,xyz旗下运营的域名后缀已经从最初的3个(.xyz/.College/.Rent)增加到9个(后来收购的.Security/.Protection/.Theatre/.Cars/.Car/.auto),其中后6个域名后缀均将于2017年1月推出。这些域名后缀不分标准或者溢价域名,所有的域名都是同样的价格。终端用户可以保护他们的关键词、城市名字以及其他高度关注的词用以扩大他们的线上影响力。比如赛门铁克(Symantec)就不光注册了Symantec.Security,还同时收购了Data.Protection、Endpoint.Security以及Network.Security等域名。另外百老汇发行公司Brand Entertainment也保护了从Broadway.Theatre到Tickets.Theatre等多个新顶级域名。

尤其值得一提的是,中小企业俨然已是.xyz域名的最大受益者。目前,数十万美元的资金已经投入到终端企业,比如在输入“Arizona used cars”(亚利桑那二手车)搜索词时,使用Arizona.Cars这样域名的经销商就已在Google中排名第一,领先于Carfax、Autotrader和Car Gurus等行业领导者。






Rascali.xyza virtual reality content studio in the US

Intorno.xyza 3D music production company in Spain

Multilanguage.xyza popular Weebly translation app from Argentina

DoverStreet.xyzan award-winning production company in the UK

Mixxer.xyza graphic design studio in the Netherlands

作为下一代互联网用户的域名后缀,中国一直是.xyz域名最重要的市场。目前,我们已经在中国投入了大量的资金,用于建立实体公司,聘用中国的雇员,在中国区总监张亚川的带领下,获得中国商业执照,获得中国认证。此外,XYZ是目前获得ICANN 批准进行此操作的唯一国外注册局,并且已经成功获得了中国工信部资质审批,得到了网站备案支持。相信2017年.xyz域名将迎来进一步的增长。

XYZ的首席执行官Daniel Negari表示,XYZ将继续投入大量的资金,通过创新的营销策略,直接与注册商渠道展开密切合作。通过大量的市场资源整合,XYZ团队通过利用他们的创意团队,财务资源和热情的追随者,积极寻求新的双赢机会。有了手头现金,XYZ将扩大其营销活动的范围,同时也希望收购更多的域名后缀,这反过来也会为xyz带来更多的现金流,将有更多的资金用于.xyz域名的营销。目前,.xyz域名的爆发性增长已经有目共睹,而对于其他新后缀来说,2016年只是个开始。


  1. TheInstitute.xyza multifaceted marketing and advertising agency in the US
  2. Elio.xyza Brazilian aerospace farm management system
  3. KarenJWang.xyzan aspiring UX designer’s portfolio
  4. Euclidea.xyza geometric puzzle app from Russia
  5. txtMD.xyza SMS based illness diagnosis tool for rural areas
  6. LearningOnline.xyza global language learning platform
  7. Engine.xyza newly launched startup accelerator by MIT
  8. MindTheGap.xyza product development firm in the Netherlands
  9. Rascali.xyza virtual reality content studio in the US
  10. Intorno.xyza 3D music production company in Spain
  11. Hikers.xyzIan Clark’s hiking journal
  12. Lisn.xyza music sharing app in India
  13. NPDM.xyza student’s design portfolio
  14. Converge.xyzan informational resource for BMG’s clients
  15. Echoes.xyzaugmented reality audio tours in Vietnam
  16. Fungogo.xyza social travel planner in Taiwan
  17. Multilanguage.xyza popular Weebly translation app from Argentina
  18. NotebookAndEarth.xyza travel journal for 3 adventurers from Azerbaijan
  19. Dino.xyza Slack plugin to showcase your work culture
  20. Comuzi.xyza digital design firm in the UK
  21. JLin.xyzthe personal site of a creative individual
  22. LetsMath.xyzan online learning platform for Generation Z
  23. DoverStreet.xyzan award-winning production company in the UK
  24. BambangYusuf.xyza web designer in Indonesia
  25. V-M-C.xyza music entertainment agency in Indonesia
  26. CycleFeed.xyza cycling blog and podcast in Canada
  27. OpenJC.xyza nonprofit in Jersey City
  28. AxisGroup.xyza design studio in Argentina
  29. Rodrigo.xyza Brazilian web developer’s personal site
  30. Mixxer.xyza graphic design studio in the Netherlands
  31. Epitome.xyza guide to Greece
  32. Voce.xyza street art installation in Germany
  33. Faceboard.xyzan e-learning platform from South Africa
  34. JonathanItakpe.xyza personal site for a developer in Nigeria
  35. Devloops.xyzan app developer in Egypt
  36. SpinWild.xyza digital marketing firm in Taiwan
  37. Percipio.xyza VR camera manufacturer in China
  38. Sling.xyzan Israeli wearable paymentrecently acquired for over $10 million USD
  39. Empati.xyza nonprofit in Turkey
  40. Hussam.xyzan entrepreneur in UAE
  41. Playground.xyzan advertising agency in Australia
  42. JulesDelaveau.xyza graphic designer in New Zealand
  43. MusicTalks.xyzan audio discovery platform from Australia
  44. Practice.xyza learning platform that rebranded from ApprenNet.com
  45. Simpa.xyzan independent medical practice specializing in primary care
  46. TheGoodLife.xyza charitable apparel company
  47. PeterCochrane.xyzthe portfolio of a California-based photographer
  48. Resl.xyzthe portfolio of artist and designer, Moritz Resl
  49. FeldOfPlay.xyza multifaceted product and graphic design studio
  50. Levalet.xyzmain site of a popular French street artist
  51. Liucid.xyzan artistic journal of thoughts by Ann Liu
  52. Tantrum.xyza lifestyle blog for modern parents
  53. AllisonLaw.xyzan American’s travel blog
  54. Throne.xyza news source and marketplace for streetwear
  55. Dabble.xyzan innovative dating app
  56. Feed.xyza digital marketing studio in London
  57. BrakeTheCycle.xyzan adventure club of cycling enthusiasts
  58. Fathom.xyz –an IoT company specializing in location emitting Bluetooth beacons
  59. ThatStore.xyza Japanese clothing store
  60. Jagzzi.xyzan online fashion and lifestyle magazine in Tokyo
  61. Kisaburo.xyza dedicated website for Kisaburo’s fashion line
  62. Activatr.xyza startup incubator in Germany
  63. Milk.xyza New Yorked-based popculture site
  64. Dreamr.xyza music discovery platform
  65. Maybe.xyza creative new shopping app
  66. Exponentials.xyza technology hub founded by Deloitte
  67. Rise.xyzan HR software platform that rebranded from PaySavvy.com
  68. GadgetDaily.xyzthe official website of Gadget Magazine
  69. GetSerendipity.xyza free professional networking service
  70. Starship.xyzrobotic delivery technology invented by the founders of Skype
  71. Boomerang.xyza family-friendly banking solution
  72. DoTell.xyza social messaging platform
  73. Lune.xyza VR marketing agency in Poland

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